The first tip has to do with flaxseed. The next time you have breakfast, add a little ground flaxseed to your cold cereal, hot cereal, yogurt, muffins, smoothies, pancakes, waffles and bread mixes. This source of high fiber and protein, will keep you from feeling hungry. This is one way to suppress your appetite and keep you from taking in too much calories. It is available at the health food stores.
Next tip is to drink green tea before exercising. Apparently you can burn more fat if you do this. The caffeine in green tea frees the fatty acids from the adipose tissue and therefore, makes them more available to be burned when exercising. Also, it contains an antioxidant called polyphenols which work together with caffeine to boost calorie burning. However, a word of warning, green tea is not recommended if you suffer from high blood pressure.
Do you love to spread butter on your bread or use butter in your cooking? Well, a healthier choice would be to replace butter with olive oil. In a study, participants either used butter or an olive oil dip for their bread. Those that dipped their bread in olive oil ended up consuming an average of 52 calories less than those who ate butter.
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When you eat a salad, how are the ingredients prepared? Do you slice or shred it to small sizes or chopped them into big chunks? The trick is to leave your veggies as big pieces because that will require more effort in chewing. You'll end up eating less during your main meal. The same goes for soup. When your soup contains big vegetable pieces, you'll feel more full and eat less of the next dish. So, opt for chunky soups instead of pureed ones.
One last tip; make it a habit of dabbing the fat and oil off your food, especially if it has been fried. Did you know, by dabbing 2 slices of pizza, you can eliminate about 1 tsp of oil? That is 40 calories and 4.5 grams of fat. Such a simple thing to do but has far reaching effects on your weight loss effort.
If you want to look great in your clothes, you need to start losing weight. Check out this weight loss solution that is clinically proven to work.