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To stop your waistline from expanding further, you must watch what you eat. But that is not all, dieting will only get you so far. You must also get your body moving with exercise. Now I know not everyone wants to join a gym. Many of you don't even have the time for that. But that is no excuse for skipping exercise. If you want that flat tummy, you've got to quit the excuses and just do it. Here are some ideas on what you can do at home.
- Jogging, fast past walking, dancing and cycling are examples of cardio exercises you can do. You want to get your heart rate up. A high intensity workout will get you burning lots of calories. So don't do something too easy. Try to exercise 4-5 times a week. Each session should last a minimum of 30 minutes.
- Don't neglect your core muscles. Making them stronger will help tighten your tummy. Some exercises to build your core include push-ups and the plank exercise. You'll be working several muscles at the same time.
- Work out your legs with lunges, squats and step-ups. Building the big muscles in your legs will help you burn more calories. After all, muscles are better at burning calories than fat; So you should aim to increase your muscle mass.
- Many people think crunches will help them lose belly fat. Unfortunately that is not the case. However, that does not mean you shouldn't do them. It helps to make your tummy more defined when you start to lose fat.
- Last of all, how's your stress level? It you are pretty stressed out, your body releases a hormone that keeps that weight on. So don't count out stress as a contributing factor to your weight gain. Do some yoga, meditation or any activity that will help you relax and clear your mind.
Image Attribution: http://www.flickr.com/photos/55158656@N06/7975160748/
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