Wednesday, May 9, 2012

How Testosterone Injections Can Help Obese Men To Lose Weight

[caption id="attachment_82" align="aligncenter" width="407" caption="Are you obese?"]obesity[/caption]

Your sexual behavior and brain development are dependent upon testosterone which is released by your testes. When you pass the age of 40, the level of testosterone begins to drop. Some studies show that reduced levels of testosterone in older men double the risk of obesity. Some scientists believe that when the testosterone level is low, you'll experience insomnia, depression, and lack of concentration. Furthermore, the risk of getting type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure is two times more than other men with healthy levels of testosterone.

Recently, Dr Farid Saad published a study at the 19th European Congress on Obesity in Lyon, France which suggested that older obese men could lose weight by using testosterone supplements. In this study, he and his colleagues examined the results of 215 men between the ages of 38 and 83 after being injected with 1,000 milligrams of testosterone. By the end of 6 weeks, they were administered with testosterone again. Then followed with a 12-week interval of similar jabs until the study was completed. These men suffered a deficiency of testosterone which caused them to experience erectile dysfunction, low energy and tiredness. In one particular group of 115 men which they studied for 5 years, they noted a few interesting insights.

  1. They lost 35 pounds.

  2. Their waistlines were reduced on average from 42 inches to 38.5 inches.

  3. Their testosterone levels were restored to normal.

  4. Their blood pressure dropped.

  5. Their LDL bad cholesterol decreased

Why did they lose weight? Could it be because of testosterone? Other researchers explained that when your testosterone level increases, you've more energy, making you feel stronger. Obviously you'll be more inclined to work out. Furthermore, your lean body mass increases as well.

There are two concerns with higher testosterone levels which are prevalent in other studies: the risk of developing prostate cancer and heart disease. In this study, no men was found to be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Is testosterone a miracle cure for obesity? How far are you willing to risk your life by subjecting yourself to the possibility of getting either prostate cancer or heart disease or maybe both?

For 5 years, these obese men only lost 35 pounds. That's not a lot. Although their mean body mass index (BMI) were reduced from 34 to 29, they were considered to be overweight instead of obese. But they were still overweight.

I strongly feel testosterone is not an ideal solution for weight loss. What happens if you stop taking this hormone replacement therapy? Some doctors warn that your testosterone level will drop even further if you decide not to continue anymore with the therapy. Why would you want to depend on a single hormone to reach your ideal weight?

You may find a lot of weight loss aids in the market that can help you temporarily. But what really works is a change of lifestyle. This includes your diet and workout. Choosing the right foods and a fitness program is a safe way to boost your testosterone level and beat obesity.

Check out which elliptical machines you should get for maximum weight loss.

Photo Credit: Teh epicness

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